We look for interesting high-growth companies and management teams with a strong understanding of their market and competitive position.
Discover our portfolioWe look for interesting high-growth companies and management teams with a strong understanding of their market and competitive position.
Discover our portfolioWe have helped companies in a wide range of sectors including technology, media, telecom, ecommerce, leisure and food and drink. Many of the companies we work with qualify for the UK government's tax efficient investment schemes described below.
Risk warning: The value of an investment may go down as well as up, and you may not get back the full amount invested. Your capital is at risk. Investing in early-stage companies involves risks including loss of capital, illiquidity, lack of dividends and dilution. Past performance is not a predictor of future performance. The availability of tax relief depends on individual investors personal circumstances. If you are in doubt about eligibility for tax reliefs or the tax treatment of your investment, you should seek independent tax advice.
The SEIS & EIS Schemes were introduced by HMRC to help early stage businesses raise money from individual investors by providing attractive tax reliefs on investments made into qualifying companies.
Maximum annual investment is £100k per tax year
Maximum annual investment is £1m per tax year
Tax rules are subject to change and the benefits only apply if the company maintains its status. Please note that SEIS and EIS investments are high risk and are only suitable for experienced investors.